How To Stay Cool During The Hot Summer Months In Rochester, NY?

The summer season has arrived, and Rochester is experiencing its unusually hot weather! Although the summer is frequently lovely and conducive to outdoor activities, the danger increases when the temperature is high. In Rochester, where Monday’s high was in the upper 90s, we have offered advice for remaining safe in the hot sun.

As the temperature rises, it’s critical to know how the heat impacts your body. Your body exerts extra effort to maintain a normal temperature throughout the hot summer months, which are protracted periods of intense heat and humidity. More deaths than other weather-related dangers occur each year due to severe heat.

Here are some tips for staying cool in Rochester, New York, during the hot summer:

  • Drink Water

Hydrate both you and your animals. Regardless of how active you are, drink more water. Don’t wait to drink till you’re thirsty.

  • Find Air Conditioning

If your home lacks air conditioning, go to the mall or the local library. Check whether your neighborhood has emergency cooling center options, as regular cooling centers might not offer enough room for social seclusion. When you return to the heat after even a brief period indoors, your body will be better able to regulate its temperature. Remember that even while electric fans could make you feel more comfortable when the temperature is in the upper 90s, they will not shield you from getting sick from the heat.

  • Insulate Your Home

Insulating your home and covering the windows with curtains or blinds will help it stay cooler. Using window reflectors like cardboard coated in aluminum foil to reflect heat outdoors.

  • Put On Sunscreen

You may become dehydrated, and your body’s capacity to cool down is both impacted by sunburn. If you must be outside, cover up with a wide-brimmed hat, wear sunglasses, and apply sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher 30 minutes in advance.

  • Never Leave Pets or People In A Locked Car

Even with the windows cracked open, cars may quickly reach deadly temperatures. Children are more vulnerable to heat stroke or death when left in parked cars; however, anyone is at risk.

  • Avoid Vigorous Activities

Try to keep your outdoor activities to the morning and evening hours, when it’s coolest. Rest frequently and in regions with shade so that your body has a chance to heal.

  • Smaller Is Preferable While Cooking

Smaller is usually preferable for appliances and cookware for the lowest possible electricity bill. In place of the oven and stove, this implies using microwaves and toaster ovens. When possible, using smaller pots and pans also reduces energy expenses. In general, glass or ceramic pots retain heat better than metal ones. Consider grilling when the days become longer. It practically never uses energy and is a wonderful way to get the family together.

  • Dress Properly

Lightweight, loose clothing keeps you cooler by allowing sweat to drain. Avoid using dark hues since they might trap heat. Wear a light-colored, wide-brimmed hat if at all possible.


Officials from Rochester City urged locals to visit public buildings, including the local public libraries, malls, movie theatres, and other community buildings, if the air conditioning was unavailable to stay inside air-conditioned buildings during the hot spell. You can have a great summer with these tips without suffering from the heat. To ensure you lower your risk of burning, don’t forget to reapply sunscreen every few hours!

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